San Lorenzo Valley Unified School DistrictCoronavirus Education 

San Lorenzo Valley Unified School District Update

“Greetings to all. I hope you are well and adjusting to the ‘stay at home’ lifestyle that has now become a very familiar part of all our lives.” Laurie Bruton, Superintendent

SLV Rocks for Food Concert: Week Two

“Here is the playlist of artists to honor a great man, who lost his life on March 30, 2020, due to Covid19, Mr. John Roberts. We did not get to say goodbye to John, but his intelligence and gentle soul touched many hearts throughout his life. To all of those who have lost their lives and those who have lost loved ones, we know your loss. For others who have lost jobs and are struggling, we hope to make a difference and help, even in a small way. Thank you to SLV for your generosity.” – Rob

SLV Food for Families

Food donations to families in need. Please give if you can:

Guidelines for Reopening Schools 2020-21

San Lorenzo Valley Unified School District wants to make sure everyone is aware that the SLV staff is working on a plan for the reopening of school in August 2020. Of course, health and safety concerns are at the top of every priority list. Schools will not reopen to “in person sessions” until students can participate safely. The following are probable restrictions that may be required in August 2020:

  • Limited number of students in every group (10- 12)
  • Social distancing protocols required
  • Masks mandatory for staff & maybe students
  • Shields between desks/people
  • Cleaning protocols between groups
  • No large groups
  • Health screening potential (temperature tests)
  • COVID19 testing may be required

Thought Exchange

The Thought Exchange does not require a login. Since the COVID19 “Shelter in Place” order, SLV schools have implemented Distance Learning online. Please click the link provided below and answer this question:

“What are your biggest concerns when considering the August 2020 return to school?”

Monitoring Online Activity during June/July 2020 for District-Issued Chromebook Devices

SLVUSD will not be collecting Chromebooks that have been checked out from the SLV libraries with the exception of 12th grade students. Students who are graduating may turn in books, and Chromebooks to the school.

In the summer of 2020, parents will need to monitor their student’s online usage and activity. The regular safety precautions and systems that are activated all year will be in place, but it still requires adult supervision. SLVUSD staff will be “off work” on summer vacation and will not be monitoring student internet activity during the summer. Parents are advised to maintain rules around internet use and to make sure student online activity is monitored.

Mental Health Services for Summer 2020

Many families have inquired about services for students and adults related to Mental Health during the summer months. Here are the following resources for families in SLV:

From SLVUSD Health Counselors

During this “virtual” time, our District Mental Health Counselors are reaching out to students through emails, phone calls, Zoom, Facetime, Google Hangouts and YouTube. They are also posting helpful information on the weekly site newsletters. If you have concerns about the emotional health of your student, you or your student may reach out to his/her school’s Mental Health Counselor for support and guidance. Mental Health Counselors are available during school hours M-F.

The following is a list of external resources in case of emergency:

Crisis Mental Health Resources

A crisis line is a service that provides free, confidential support and resources for people in emotional distress. The service is provided on the phone by a trained crisis counselor and in some cases by text and/or chat. You can call or text for help with someone you’re worried about or for yourself.

Local 24-Hour Suicide Crisis Line 1-877-663-5433 (ONE LIFE)

Serving Monterey, Santa Cruz, and San Benito Counties for over 50 years

National Suicide Prevention Lifeline 1-800-273-TALK (8255)

Crisis Text Line Text HOME to 741-741

The Trevor Project Text START to 678-678 1-866-488-7386

Letter from the Santa Cruz County Office of Education

Dear Families of Santa Cruz County:

It is especially important during difficult times to celebrate the efforts and achievements of our school community. California Day of the Teacher and Classified Employees Week, two statewide opportunities that occur each year in May, present us with special opportunities to express our gratitude for our school personnel. Teachers and other educators have been working tirelessly to ensure student wellness and adapt to our new distance learning environment to help our students and their families. Our classified team members have been working hard to ensure continuity of essential services to help support students and teachers through this challenging time. Both groups have demonstrated dedication, creativity, and compassion for students and families while under a great deal of stress. Please join our School Districts and the Santa Cruz County Office of Education in celebrating teachers and classified staff for their important contributions and continued partnership with families.

Yesterday, Governor Newsom released California’s May Budget Revision Proposal which is projected to result in significant funding cuts of about 10% to all school districts in Santa Cruz County. All Santa Cruz County schools are working to prepare three-year budgets that account for a range of possible financial impacts based on the Governor’s proposed budget and the recommendations of our state’s education financial advisors. Schools will be working with staff, bargaining units, and their school boards to develop and approve budgets and submit them to the Santa Cruz County Office of Education.

While the Governor’s budget does include significant reductions to education funding, our school districts are working with representatives of the California legislature to advocate for the protection of school funding. The financial landscape remains unclear as the state revenues will not be fully known until after the tax collection date of July 15th which could lead to additional reductions. The Governor is hopeful we will receive additional federal funding if the HEROES Act coronavirus relief bill is signed into law. We anticipate the COVID-19 crisis to continue into next year and our plans to safely re-open schools in the fall will require more funding, not less.

The longer this crisis persists, the more challenges families are facing. Financial pressure to return to work, the challenges of working and learning from home, feeling unsafe under current working conditions, and new family dynamics caused by spending more time at home are only a few examples of factors that are significantly compounding stress for families and exacerbating challenges with mental health. Santa Cruz County schools are committed to taking all possible action to help families secure resources for financial assistance, meal and grocery programs, and social-emotional support opportunities. For more information please call 211 or text “coronavirus” to 211211 or visit . We will continue to make every possible effort to provide support, guidance, and resources through this challenging time.

Sincerely, Laurie Bruton, Superintendent, San Lorenzo Valley Unified School District

Lorie Chamberland, Superintendent, Live Oak School District

Eric Gross, Superintendent, Pacific Elementary School District

Mike Heffner, Superintendent, Bonny Doon Union Elementary School District

Tanya Krause, Superintendent, Scotts Valley Unified School District

Michelle McKinny, Superintendent, Happy Valley Elementary School District

Diane Morgenstern, Superintendent, Mountain Elementary School District

Kris Munro, Superintendent, Santa Cruz City Schools

Michelle Rodriguez, Superintendent, Pajaro Valley Unified School District

Faris Sabbah, County Superintendent of Schools

Scott Turnbull, Superintendent, Soquel Union Elementary School District

San Lorenzo Valley Post Santa Cruz Mountains

The San Lorenzo Valley Post is your essential guide to life in the Santa Cruz Mountains. We're dedicated to delivering the latest news, events, and stories that matter to our community. From local government to schools, from environmental issues to the arts, we're committed to providing comprehensive and unbiased coverage. We believe in the power of community journalism and strive to be a platform for diverse voices.

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